It's a year of 4s apparently. We've seen
Devil May Cry 4 already,
Grand Theft Auto 4 hits on April 29 and pretty soon after that we'll be slogging it out with Soul Calibur 4, simultaneously, on both Xbox 360 and PS3. According to local distributor, Ubisoft, we'll be seeing the weapons-based fighter on Aussie shores this July 31st.
The highly anticipated Soulcalibur IV provides a true next generation fighting experience with new finishing moves and an innovative battle system that promises to revolutionise the genre. Set to finally reveal the origins of the Soulcalibur saga, the game features both new and familiar faces from across the galaxy who seeks the rival swords for their own goals. Continuing the tradition of breaking new boundaries, legendary Star Wars icons Darth Vader and Yoda invade the Soulcalibur universe to add a new layer of depth, challenge, and mystery. Also for the first time in the franchise, customised characters or original favourites can be taken online to challenge others for the top spot of this timeless series.
You can see the whole press release with more information
here, and if you haven't seen this game in action yet, be sure to check out the
latest trailer right here on AusGamers.
Posted 01:12pm 18/4/08
Posted 02:56pm 19/4/08