From Sega and The Creative Assembly comes Viking: Battle For Asgard, a third-person action adventure title for the PS3 and Xbox 360 that puts you in the ugg-boots of Viking warrior, Skarin, as he is given power to stop queen of the undead, Hel, and her Legions of minions as they threaten not only mortal existence in Midgard, but the Norse God realm of Asgard itself.
From our review:"... the sheer fun of slashing undead in two, sneaking around enemy encampments and summoning dragons is more than enough of a distraction. Viking may not be the blue-print for modern next-gen game design, but it is a post-it-note on what makes games accessibly engaging and fun."
Hit the pic or
this link for our massively in-depth review.
Posted 04:51pm 10/4/08
Posted 12:52am 03/7/08