Nintendo's mid-year releases have started, and we started our reviews of them with one of the strongest. Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn is a super involved game that follows on from the GameCube Fire Emblem outing, Path of Radiance.
From our review:The absolute same can be said of that game’s sequel, the subject of this review: Radiant Dawn. The sheer concept of the game’s narrative start-point should be proof enough of that. But the way in which this game manages to set itself up as something of a stand-alone title alongside a processor is a thing of brilliance and beauty – something that goes beyond eye-candy (though there’s plenty in the game’s myriad of pre-rendered cut-scenes). But enough gushing. The story is amazing and immersive – ‘nuff said.
It might not be the sort of game every Wii owner is looking for, but it did float our boat. Hit the pic or
this link for our in-depth review.
Posted 08:47am 04/4/08