Microsoft have just revealed a special pre-order offer for GTA 4, which is due to release on April 29. The deal will offer anyone who pre-orders the game for Xbox 360 (and
not PS3, obviously) four exclusive GTA 4 Gamerpics as well as 500 Microsoft Points - all redeemable through a special code included with the pre-ordered game package.
Obviously, despite having exclusive downloadable content, this is another incentive by Microsoft for anyone
looking to buy either a 360 or PS3 for GTA 4 to
look Microsoft's way. It seems pretty likely people with both consoles will end up with the game on 360 regardless.
You can check out an exclusive hands-on feature preview of GTA 4 right here on AusGamers. Just
hit this link.
Posted 11:42am 19/3/08
Posted 01:25pm 19/3/08
Pre-ordering anywhere for GTA IV - yes (as far as I know)