It's been out for a while now, but damn if I haven't had so much else to play recently that I almost didn't get around to this one. Guitar Hero: Rocks the 80s (also known as Guitar Hero Encore: Rocks the 80s in the US) is like a little PlayStation 2 exclusive bonus game from RedOctane while we wait for the likes of Guitar Hero 3: Legends of Rock and EA's Rock Band to arrive.
Check out
AusGamers' review for our thoughts on the game as well as a little publisher/developer history lesson.
Posted 02:07pm 06/10/07
Hell I might be showing my age...but saying that'noone' would remember them is a stretch. Speak for yourself
Posted 03:00pm 06/10/07
I was stoked when I heard that Skid Row and White Lion had a spot on there... Not so stoked when I heard with my own ears what they had done to them!